You're invited to join Integrative Mental Health for You and Periscope Foundation for an online community screening of Medicating Normal, a 76-minute documentary film exploring our current mental health care system's reliance on psychiatric drugs to deal with trauma, grief, and distress. There will be an interactive community discussion immediately after the film featuring Emma Bragdon, Ph.D., Founder/Executive Director of Integrative Mental Health for You, IMHU.org; Pam Shervanick, D.O., APBN, holistic psychiatrist in private practice; Lynn Cunningham, filmmaker; and Angela Peacock, MSW, military veteran and subject in the film. The panel will be hosted by Nicole Lamberson, physician assistant and outreach team member for Medicating Normal.
When: Wednesday, August 12th at 6:30 pm ET
Where: This is a virtual event. To sign up, click on TICKETS: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/113896800396
Accessibility: If you have any accessibility needs or require subtitles in English or other languages, please contact medicatingnormal@gmail.com for accommodations.
Please feel free to share this invitation widely with your friends, colleagues, and social networks—all are welcome!
We hope to see you there!
Integrative Mental Health for You (IMHU.org), Emma Bragdon
Periscope Foundation (medicatingnormal.com), Lynn Cunningham and Wendy Ractliffe, Co-Directors/ Producers; Muffie Meyer, Producer
The Medicating Normal TeamLynn, Wendy, Muffie, Nicole & Angie medicatingnormal.com