Holistic Psychiatry
Many people find the current model in mainstream psychiatry ineffective. Medications are given to help with symptoms, but do not address the route cause of the problem . In addition, medications often have unpleasant and/or intolerable side effects, and can cause larger health issues down the road if taken on a long term basis. Often these medications are habit forming, and can be extremely difficult to get off of, leaving patients frustrated and hopeless.
There is extensive research that spans many decades showing that the route cause of a number of brain issues often stem from vitamin and mineral deficiencies, as well as heavy metal and other toxic build ups in the brain and body. While there are common trends seen among patients, ultimately, each individual is different, and it is possible to uncover the issues surrounding each person’s unique biochemistry. These nutrient therapies are effective, and go straight to the root of the problem.
A holistic approach exists, and is profoundly helpful. I have trained with William Walsh, PhD, and Ben Lynch, N.D, around methylation and orthomolecular biochemistry issues, and James Greenblatt, M.D. in Functional Psychiatry, as well as practicing psychiatry for 20 years, and am dedicated to assisting people on this alternative path to wellness and well being.
Please contact us via the contact page, send an email to office@syntropyglobal.com, or call the office at 207-489-9480 to schedule an appointment.