As you probably know, we are mostly made of water (and so is much of the food we eat). Drinking structured water helps your cells create energy, and aids in cellular detoxification, among many other functions.* These beautifully crafted products from Golden Ratio Products will structure the water you drink and the water in the food you eat and infuse them with the healing energy of the Flower-of-Life! If you bless the water with a healing intention, it is even more healing!
Golden Ratio - A geometric proportion found everywhere in nature - every living thing, people, and the Earth. 1.61803/1 "Nature's Blueprint"
Structured Water - The way water is in nature. H20 molecules cluster together in groups of 6: hexagonal. Like snowflakes - even in the liquid state.
Flower-of-Life - An ancient symbol of Sacred Geometry which contains all the geometry of life within it. The design or symbol which is referred to as the “Flower Of Life” is created by a series of intersecting circles. The circles which make up this design all intersect at specific angles making a symmetrical design which is banded by two larger circles surrounding the inner design.