Silver Linings

It’s time to face what we have been running away from.

 This time of forced isolation is an interesting time for us all.  So many of us on this path of growth mindfully navigate their world each day. This current energy has uncovered an interesting truth…As we are all forced to slow down, and decrease the unspeakable pace of what was modern life, a beautiful gift became clear – 

 We are all being forced to face that thing we have all been spending so much energy resisting!

If this resonates in your heart, than you have pondered before reading this post today, that there is something (or perhaps things) in your life that you know you must face – deal with….but it’s hard.  And you find yourself doing almost anythingelse, so that this uncomfortable thing cannot look you in the eye.

 But now, we have only ourselves to contend with.  What have you been denying?  Have you been thinking, “I should leave this job, I am not here for the right reasons…,” or, “I should open my heart back up to my brother, I can’t really remember why we stopped talking…”?   There are probably a million scenarios like these that many people could relate to.  Amazing growth and expansion is on the horizon for us all, when we can look in the mirror and ask the hard question, “What have I been denying that this strange turn of events forces me to finally face?”

 Always remember, that the worst thing about what we fear and avoid is the FEAR.  Facing it is always much easier than we can imagine.  Because what we face, we can transform.

 Thank You Universe, for making us all sit down, take a deep breath, and look in the mirror at our beautiful selves and face what we have been avoiding.  The fastest way to grow is to run towards what we are afraid of facing.  Be like the buffalo, who collectively run into the eye of a tornado (the only place it is calm.). 

 Nothing is ever what we think it is.  I always love to find the silver lining in every situation in life.  It’s always there.  The harder it is to find, the bigger the energetic pay off if you are brave enough to face it.  Do it with intention.  Make it count!




Remember the wise words of the late Wayne Dyer, “When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.”

 Please email us if you are interested in participating in a weekly group to help you see the Silver Linings in your life!

 And remember, we are all with you here at Syntropy.  We hold love and honor for you all.

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